Monday, January 5, 2009

Look At How Much They've Grown!

My mind has been blown today.

In late 2004, I was at a party. Someone said, "Come over here, Art. I want to show you this internet video." The video was called "Just 2 Guyz" and it went something like this (mildly NSFW):

I lost my shit watching it. We must have played it five times in a row at that party, and at subesquent parties and other social gatherings for months and years.

This video was produced by an internet comedy trio called The Lonely Island. I checked out some of their other stuff in 2005 and thought "Yes, this is pretty good. I hope they get picked up somewhere."

Well, as I discovered from their YouTube page, you may have seen some of their other work:

Dick in a Box

Jizz in my Pants

Laser Cats!

That's right! The Lonely Island was taken onto Saturday Night Live to create their Digital Shorts segments. And Andy Samberg (one of the three dudes, and "Steve" in the Just 2 Guyz video) was even brought onto the full SNL cast. This is yet another example of the blurring line between Main Stream Media and New Media. Score one for talent being justly rewarded.

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