Monday, December 29, 2008

Look What I Can Do

People in my family have had a talent I have always thought was pretty routine: we can hang spoons from our noses. A spoon was brought to a bar I was drinking at about a week ago, so I put it on my nose. Some of my friends were able to do this too (I was actually not even the first one to dangle the spoon from my nose that evening). Other of my friends thought it was weird. It's not weird:


And just in case you think this is some sort of optical illusion, check it:


There is no chin-resting. That is all spoon-on-nose friction holding that sucker on. And just in case you think this is something that requires me to sit perfectly still, no, it is not that either. I can walk around, turn my head from side to side, and even sing God Bless America at the Uptown VFW:


I look forward to hanging a spoon from my nose in many new and exciting locales. I will even teach you how to do this yourself... if you have the nose for it!

1 comment:

  1. I must admit, I am impressed with your abilities. Walking with a spoon attached to your nose is no easy feat!
